LD 1643
pg. 2
Page 1 of 6 An Act To Clarify and Harmonize State Policy on Groundwater Management Page 3 of 6
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LR 2288
Item 1

withdrawal. In making findings under this paragraph, the
commissioner shall consider both the direct effects of the
proposed water withdrawal and its effects in combination with
existing water withdrawals.

Sec. A-4. 38 MRSA §484, sub-§3, ¶F is enacted to read:

F.__In making a determination under this subsection
regarding a structure to facilitate withdrawal of
groundwater, the department shall consider the effects of
the proposed withdrawal on waters of the State, as defined
by section 361-A, subsection 7; water-related natural
resources; and existing uses, including, but not limited to,
public or private wells, within the anticipated zone of
contribution to the withdrawal.__In making findings under
this paragraph, the department shall consider both the
direct effects of the proposed water withdrawal and its
effects in combination with existing water withdrawals.


Sec. B-1. Development of consistent hydrogeological review procedures. By
January 1, 2006, the Department of Environmental Protection, the
Maine Land Use Regulation Commission and the Department of Health
and Human Services, in consultation with the Department of
Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources, the Maine Geological
Survey and other public or private entities or persons that they
consider appropriate, shall:

1. Review their existing administrative procedures and
practices regarding review of development activities involving
groundwater withdrawal;

2. Develop and implement any changes to such administrative
procedures and practices that are appropriate and necessary to
establish a consistent, efficient and effective approach under
their existing legal authority to review pertinent
hydrogeological and related natural resources issues; and

3. Submit a report to the Governor and Joint Standing
Committee on Natural Resources summarizing actions taken pursuant
to this section.

Sec. B-2. Permit fees. The Department of Environmental Protection,
the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission, the Department of
Health and Human Services and the Maine Geological Survey shall
each review their administrative costs of reviewing permit
applications under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 12, chapter
206-A; Title 22, chapter 601; and Title 38, chapter 3,

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