LD 1635
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act To Authorize the Assessment and Collection of Harbor Fees LD 1635 Title Page
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LR 2325
Item 1


This bill authorizes harbor commissions and other entities
that regulate harbors to establish and collect a fee of no more
than 3¢ per ton per vessel calculated on the gross tonnage of an
oceangoing vessel or no more than 25¢ per passenger for a
passenger ship on a domestic or international voyage. Vessels
weighing less than 500 gross tons, vessels providing daily
service to islands that are part of the State and whose service
is funded in whole or in part by the State, military vessels,
historic vessels owned or operated by tax-exempt organizations,
public vessels, certain coastal or international ferries and
vessels seeking harbors of refuge are exempted from the fee.

The bill restricts the use of any fees collected to pay for
the cost of the administration and services provided by the
harbor regulatory body and the harbor master, the purchase or
maintenance of harbor safety equipment, harbor emergency response
capability and harbor security.

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