LD 1622
pg. 19
Page 18 of 37 An Act To Correct Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine Page 20 of 37
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Item 1

1. Interagency licensing method. The Commissioner of Education,
the Commissioner of Human Services and the Commissioner of
Behavioral and Developmental Health and Human Services, or their
designees, shall jointly establish a method for interagency
licensing of residential child care facilities subject wholly or
partly to licensing by at least 2 both of the departments. The
method must provide for the following:

A. Development of common licensing rules;

B. Periodic review of licensing rules;

C. Delegation of departmental responsibilities; and

D. Determination of licensing fees.

Sec. 55. 25 MRSA §2803-B, sub-§2, as amended by PL 2003, c. 656, §4
and c. 677, §4, is repealed and the following enacted in its

2.__Minimum policy standards.__The board shall establish
minimum standards for each law enforcement policy no later than
June 1, 1995, except that policies for expanded requirements for
domestic violence under subsection 1, paragraph D, subparagraphs
(1) to (3) must be established no later than January 1, 2003;
policies for death investigations under subsection 1, paragraph I
must be established no later than January 1, 2004; and policies
for the recording and preservation of interviews of suspects in
serious crimes under subsection 1, paragraph J and policies for
public notification regarding persons in the community required
to register under Title 34-A, chapter 15 must be established no
later than January 1, 2005.

Sec. 56. 25 MRSA §3701, sub-§7 is enacted to read:

7.__Solicitation agent.__"Solicitation agent" means a person
or entity that receives payment for or retains any portion of the
proceeds from soliciting.__"Solicitation agent" includes, but is
not limited to, a person or entity that receives or retains
reimbursement for expenses related to soliciting.

Sec. 57. 25 MRSA §3702-C is enacted to read:

§3702-C.__Solicitation unlawful

A law enforcement agency, law enforcement association, law
enforcement officer or solicitation agent may not solicit
property from the general public when the property or any part of
that property in any way tangibly benefits, is intended to

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