LD 1609
pg. 57
Page 56 of 148 An Act To Establish the Uniform Partnership Act Page 58 of 148
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LR 1469
Item 1

contributor of services, who contributes little or no capital,
should be obligated to contribute toward the capital loss of the
large contributor who contributed no services. In entering a
partnership with such a capital structure, the partners should
foresee that application of the default rule may bring about
unusual results and take advantage of their power to vary by
agreement the allocation of capital losses.

Subsection (b) provides that each partner "is chargeable" with
a share of the losses, rather than the UPA formulation that each
partner shall "contribute" to losses. Losses are charged to each
partner's account as provided in subsection (a)(2). It is
intended to make clear that a partner is not obligated to
contribute to partnership losses before his withdrawal or the
liquidation of the partnership, unless the partners agree
otherwise. In effect, unless related to an obligation for which
the partner is not personally liable under Section 306(c), a
partner's negative account represents a debt to the partnership
unless the partners agree to the contrary. Similarly, each
partner's share of the profits is credited to his account under
subsection (a)(1). Absent an agreement to the contrary, however,
a partner does not have a right to receive a current distribution
of the profits credited to his account, the interim distribution
of profits being a matter arising in the ordinary course of
business to be decided by majority vote of the partners.

However, where a liability to contribute at dissolution and
winding up relates to a partnership obligation governed by the
limited liability rule of Section 306(c), a partner is not
obligated to contribute additional assets even at dissolution and
winding up. See Section 807(b). In such a case, although a
partner is not personally liable for the partnership obligation,
that partner's interest in the partnership remains at risk. See
also Comment to Section 401(c) relating to indemnification.

In the case of an operating limited liability partnership, the
Section 306 liability shield may be partially eroded where the
limited liability partnership incurs both shielded and unshielded
liabilities. Where the limited liability partnership uses its
assets to pay shielded liabilities before paying unshielded
liabilities, each partner's obligation to contribute to the
limited liability partnership for that partner's share of the
unpaid and unshielded obligations at dissolution and winding up
remains intact. The same issue is less likely to occur in the
context of the termination of a limited liability partnership
since a partner's contribution obligation is based only on that
partner's share of unshielded obligations and the partnership
will ordinarily use the contributed assets to pay unshielded
claims first as they were the basis of the contribution
obligations. See Comments to
Section 807(b).

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