LD 1609
pg. 49
Page 48 of 148 An Act To Establish the Uniform Partnership Act Page 50 of 148
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LR 1469
Item 1

The connection between partner status and personal liability
for partnership obligations is severed only with respect to
obligations incurred while the partnership is a limited liability
partnership. Partnership obligations incurred before a
partnership becomes a limited liability partnership or incurred
after limited liability partnership status is revoked or canceled
are treated as obligations of an ordinary partnership. See
Sections 1001 (filing), 1003 (revocation), and 1006
(cancellation). Obligations incurred by a partnership during the
period when its statement of qualification is administratively
revoked will be considered as incurred by a limited liability
partnership provided the partnership's status as such is
reinstated within two years under Section 1003(e). See Section

When an obligation is incurred is determined by other law.
See Section 104(a). Under that law, and for the limited purpose
of determining when partnership contract obligations are
incurred, the reasonable expectations of creditors and the
partners are paramount. Therefore, partnership obligations under
or relating to a note, contract, or other agreement generally are
incurred when the note, contract, or other agreement is made.
Also, an amendment, modification, extension, or renewal of a
note, contract, or other agreement should not affect or otherwise
reset the time at which a partnership obligation under or
relating to that note, contract, or other agreement is incurred,
even as to a claim that relates to the subject matter of the
amendment, modification, extension, or renewal. A note,
contract, or other agreement may expressly modify these rules and
fix the time a partnership obligation is incurred thereunder.

For the limited purpose of determining when partnership tort
obligations are incurred, a distinction is intended between
injury and the conduct causing that injury. The purpose of the
distinction is to prevent unjust results. Partnership
obligations under or relating to a tort generally are incurred
when the tort conduct occurs rather than at the time of the
actual injury or harm. This interpretation prevents a culpable
partnership from engaging in wrongful conduct and then filing a
statement of qualification to sever the vicarious responsibility
of its partners for future injury or harm caused by conduct that
occurred prior to the filing.

§1035.__Actions by and against partnership and partners

1.__Sue and be sued.__A partnership may sue and be sued in the
name of the partnership.

2.__Action against partnership and partners.__An action may be
brought against the partnership and, to the extent not

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