LD 1595
pg. 17
Page 16 of 22 An Act To Rebalance Maine's Tax Code Page 18 of 22
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LR 2080
Item 1

H. Community support services.; and

I.__Internet service access.

Sec. I-5. Effective date. This Part takes effect January 1, 2006.


Sec. J-1. 36 MRSA §4641-A, sub-§1, ķA, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 559,
Pt. I, §3 and affected by §15, is amended to read:

A. The rate of the tax is $2.20 $5.00 for each $500 or
fractional part of $500 of the value of the property

Sec. J-2. 36 MRSA §4641-A, sub-§2, ķA, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 559,
Pt. I, §3 and affected by §15, is amended to read:

A. The rate of the tax is $2.20 $5.00 for each $500 or
fractional part of $500 of the value of the real property
owned by the entity and located in this State.

Sec. J-3. 36 MRSA §4641-B, sub-§4, as amended by PL 2005, c. 12, Pt.
H, §1, is further amended to read:

4. Distribution of State's share of proceeds. The State Tax
Assessor shall pay all net receipts received pursuant to this
section to the Treasurer of State, and shall at the same time
provide the Treasurer of State with documentation showing the
amount of revenues derived from the tax imposed by section 4641-
A, subsection 1 and the amount of revenues derived from the tax
imposed by section 4641-A, subsection 2. The Treasurer of State
shall credit 1/2 75% of the revenues derived from the tax imposed
by section 4641-A, subsection 1 to the General Fund and shall
monthly pay the remaining 1/2 25% of such revenues to the Maine
State Housing Authority, which shall deposit the funds in the
Housing Opportunities for Maine Fund created in Title 30-A,
section 4853, except that in fiscal year 2003-04, fiscal year
2004-05, fiscal year 2005-06 and fiscal year 2006-07, $7,500,000
of the remaining 1/2 of those revenues must be transferred to the
General Fund before any payments are made to the Maine State
Housing Authority. The Treasurer of State shall credit to the
General Fund all of the revenues derived from the tax imposed by
section 4641-A, subsection 2.

Sec. J-5. Application. This Part applies to transfers of real
property occurring on or after January 1, 2006.

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