LD 1568
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act To Allow Nurse Practitioners To Sign Death Certificates LD 1568 Title Page
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LR 737
Item 1

For the purposes of this chapter, "nurse practitioner" means an
advanced practice registered nurse who is a certified nurse
practitioner authorized to practice without the supervision of a
physician pursuant to Title 32, chapter 31.

For the purposes of this chapter, "health care provider" means
a physician or a nurse practitioner.

Sec. 9. 22 MRSA §2901, sub-§4-A is enacted to read:

4-A.__Nurse practitioner.__"Nurse practitioner" means an
advanced practice registered nurse who is a certified nurse
practitioner authorized to practice without the supervision of a
physician pursuant to Title 32, chapter 31.

Sec. 10. 22 MRSA §2907, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1969, c. 193, is
amended to read:

2. Time of death. The time of death shall must be determined
by a physician or nurse practitioner who attends the donor at his
the donor's death, or, if none, the physician or nurse
practitioner who certifies the death. This physician shall or
nurse practitioner may not participate in the procedures for
removing or transplanting a part.


This bill authorizes a certified nurse midwife or a nurse
practitioner who is present at a death or after a death to sign a
death certificate in the case of a fetal death. The bill
authorizes a nurse practitioner to sign a death certificate in
the case of the death of a patient in the care of the nurse
practitioner or in the case of the death of a patient whose
recent medical condition is known to the nurse practitioner.

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