LD 1566
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act Concerning Full Faith and Credit for Legal Documents Executed in Other J... LD 1566 Title Page
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LR 1367
Item 1

document purporting to establish the agency was validly executed,
that the agency was validly established, that the named principal
was competent at the time of execution and that, at the time of
reliance, the named principal is alive, the agency was validly
established and has not terminated or been amended, the relevant
powers of the named agent were properly and validly granted and
have not terminated or been amended and the acts of the named agent
conform to the standards of this Part.__No person relying on a copy
of a document purporting to establish an agency is required to see
to the application of any property delivered to or controlled by
the named agent or to question the authority of the named agent.

Sec. 5. 18-A MRSA §5-802, sub-§(k) is enacted to read:

(k)__Notwithstanding any contrary requirements of law, an
advance health-care directive, power of attorney for health care,
living will or other document expressing instructions for health
care, document authorizing donation of organs at death or other
advance medical care directive that was duly executed in another
jurisdiction within the United States in compliance with the laws
of that jurisdiction is not ineffective in this State due to
noncompliance with the laws of this State.


This bill amends the Probate Code to provide that powers of
attorney validly executed in other jurisdictions are valid in
this State, even if the Maine requirements for that document are
not met. The types of powers of attorney covered are both
durable and nondurable, and include financial powers of attorney
and health care powers of attorney.

This bill also creates a presumption that the out-of-state
power of attorney was executed in compliance with the law of the
jurisdiction in which it was executed.

This bill exempts from the specific protective notice
provisions of the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 18-A, section 5-
508 certain financial powers of attorney. Durable financial
powers of attorney that are executed for the limited purpose of
providing for the representation of the principal in specific
real estate transactions will not need to include the cautionary
language about the authority of agents and principals that is
required for other financial powers of attorney.

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