LD 1561
pg. 7
Page 6 of 7 An Act To Create an Insurance Fraud Unit within the Bureau of Insurance LD 1561 Title Page
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LR 2168
Item 1

Program Review for review by the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial
affairs at least 60 days before closing on such borrowing for the
project or projects is to be initiated.

2. Initial appointments and staff. Within 30 days of the
effective date of this Act, the appointing authorities under the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 24-A, section 2192, subsection 1
shall make those appointments. Notwithstanding the provisions of
Title 24-A, section 2192, subsection 3, paragraph A, the Governor
shall appoint the initial Director of the Insurance Fraud Unit
within the Bureau of Insurance under Title 24-A, section 2193,
subsection 1 and the Attorney General shall assign an assistant
attorney general to the Insurance Fraud Unit pursuant to Title
24-A, section 2193, subsection 4. Within 30 days of appointment,
the Director of the Insurance Fraud Unit shall prepare an initial
budget for review by the Board of Insurance Fraud pursuant to
Title 24-A, section 2193, subsection 1, paragraph F and appoint a
chief investigator of the Insurance Fraud Unit pursuant to Title
24-A, section 2193, subsection 2. Within 30 days of appointment,
the chief investigator shall hire as initial staff 5 field
investigators under Title 24-A, section 2193, subsection 3 and
any clerical staff as needed.


This bill creates the Bureau of Insurance, Insurance Fraud
Unit, overseen by the Board of Insurance Fraud and administered
by a director. The personnel of the Insurance Fraud Unit include
the director, a chief investigator, field investigators, clerical
staff and an assistant attorney general permanently assigned to
the unit. Assistant district attorneys may also be temporarily
assigned to the Insurance Fraud Unit. The purpose of the
Insurance Fraud Unit is to respond to complaints of and
investigate and prosecute instances of insurance fraud. This
bill requires insurers and self-insureds in the State to create
special investigation groups within their organizations that have
at least one licensed private investigator who is either an
employee or independent contractor to report any suspected
insurance fraud to the Insurance Fraud Unit. Personnel of the
Insurance Fraud Unit have law enforcement powers to carry out
their investigatory duties, including the power to subpoena,
administer oaths, execute warrants and request court orders as
part of their investigations. The Insurance Fraud Unit is funded
by a 25¢ fee on certain insurance policies and the Board of
Insurance Fraud is authorized to borrow up to 30% of the start-up
costs of the Insurance Fraud Unit.

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