LD 1560
pg. 8
Page 7 of 12 An Act To Transfer the Pest Control Compact from the Department of Conservation... Page 9 of 12
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Item 1

appropriate instrument defining the extent and degree of assistance
or participation between and among the insurance fund, cooperating
federal agencies, states and any other entities concerned.

§2318. Advisory and technical committees -- Article VII

The governing board may establish advisory and technical
committees composed of state, local and federal officials and
private persons to advise it with respect to any one or more of
its functions. Any such advisory or technical committee or any
member or members thereof may meet with and participate in its
deliberations upon request of the governing board or executive
committee. An advisory or technical committee may furnish
information and recommendations with respect to any application
for assistance from the insurance fund being considered by the
governing board or executive committee and the board or committee
may receive and consider the same, provided that any participant
in a meeting of the governing board or executive committee held
pursuant to section 2317, subsection 4 is entitled to know the
substance of any such information and recommendations, at the
time of the meeting if furnished before or as part of the meeting
or, if furnished after the meeting, no later than the time at
which the governing board or executive committee makes its
disposition of the application.

§2319. Relations with nonparty jurisdictions -- Article VIII

1.__Application. A party state may make application for
assistance from the insurance fund with respect to a pest in a
nonparty state. The application must be considered and decided on
by the governing board or executive committee in the same manner
as an application with respect to a pest within a party state,
except as provided in this section.

2.__Nonparty state. At or in connection with any meeting of
the governing board or executive committee held pursuant to
section 2317, a nonparty state is entitled to appear, participate
and receive information only to the extent that the governing
board or executive committee provides. A nonparty state is not
entitled to a review of any determination made by the executive

3.__Expenditures. The governing board or executive committee
shall authorize expenditures from the insurance fund to be made
in a nonparty state only after determining that the conditions in
the nonparty state and the value of the expenditures to the party
states, as a whole, justify them. The governing board or
executive committee may set any conditions that it considers
appropriate with respect to the expenditure of money from the
insurance fund in a nonparty state and may enter into an

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