LD 1560
pg. 5
Page 4 of 12 An Act To Transfer the Pest Control Compact from the Department of Conservation... Page 6 of 12
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LR 368
Item 1

4.__Applications. When in session, the governing board shall
decide upon applications for assistance from the insurance fund and
authorize disbursements therefrom. When the governing board is not
in session, the executive committee shall act as agent of the
governing board with full authority to act for it in deciding upon
such applications.

5.__Executive committee. The executive committee is composed
of the chairman of the governing board and 4 additional members
of the governing board chosen by the governing board so that
there is one member representing each of 4 geographic groupings
of party states.__The governing board shall make those geographic
groupings. If there is representation of the United States on the
governing board, one representative may meet with the executive
committee. The chair of the governing board is chair of the
executive committee. An action of the executive committee is not
binding unless taken at a meeting at which at least 4 members of
the committee are present and vote in favor thereof. Necessary
expenses of each of the 5 members of the executive committee
incurred in attending meetings of the committee, when not held at
the same time and place as a meeting of the governing board, are
charges against the insurance fund.

§2317. Assistance and reimbursement -- Article VI

1.__Efforts. Each party state pledges to each other party
state that it will employ its best efforts to eradicate or
control, within the strictest practicable limits, any and all
pests. It is recognized that performance of this responsibility

A.__Maintaining pest control and eradication activities of
interstate significance by a party state at a level that
would be reasonable for its own protection in the absence of
this compact; and

B.__Meeting emergency outbreaks or infestations of
interstate significance to no less an extent than would have
been done in the absence of this compact.

2.__Requests. Whenever a party state is threatened by a pest
not present within its borders but present within another party
state, or whenever a party state is undertaking or engaged in
activities for the control or eradication of a pest or pests and
finds that such activities are or would be impracticable or
substantially more difficult because of the failure of another
party state to cope with infestation or threatened infestation,
that state may request the governing board to authorize
expenditures from the insurance fund for eradication or

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