LD 1559
pg. 9
Page 8 of 9 An Act To Adopt the Uniform Environmental Covenants Act LD 1559 Title Page
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LR 2059
Item 1

may include any amendment or termination of those covenants. The
list may also contain any other information concerning
environmental covenants and the real property subject to them that
the department considers appropriate.

2.__Recording required.__The agency shall specify the person
required to record in the land records the environmental covenant
or the amendment or termination of a covenant.__Within 30 days of
the date of recording an environmental covenant or an amendment
or termination of a covenant in the land records, the person
shall file with the agency, and the department if it is not the
agency, a complete copy of the recorded documents including a
description of where the documents may be found in the land

§3013.__Uniformity of application and construction

In applying and construing this chapter, consideration must be
given to the need to promote uniformity of the law with respect
to its subject matter among states that enact it.

§3014.__Relation to federal Electronic Signatures in Global and

National Commerce Act

This chapter modifies, limits or supersedes the federal
Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, 15
United States Code, Section 7001 et seq. but does not modify,
limit or supersede Section 101 of that Act, 15 United States
Code, Section 7001(a) or authorize electronic delivery of any of
the notices described in Section 103 of that Act,15 United States
Code, Section 7003(b).


This bill adopts the Uniform Environmental Covenants Act as
prepared by the National Conference of Commissioners of Uniform
State Laws to provide a systematic approach to adoption and
recording of environmental covenants, such as deed restrictions,
and to protect the legal integrity of covenants once recorded.

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