LD 1559
pg. 5
Page 4 of 9 An Act To Adopt the Uniform Environmental Covenants Act Page 6 of 9
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LR 2059
Item 1

I.__The owner of an interest subject to the environmental
covenant and the holder are the same person.

3.__Instrument recorded prior to effective date of chapter.__
An instrument that creates restrictions or obligations with
respect to real property that would qualify as activity and use
limitations except for the fact that the instrument was recorded
before the effective date of this chapter is not invalid or
unenforceable because of any of the limitations on enforcement of
interests described in subsection 2 or because it was identified
as an easement, servitude, deed restriction or other interest.
This chapter does not apply in any other respect to such an

4.__Not invalidate or render unenforceable.__This chapter does
not invalidate or render unenforceable any interest, condition,
declaration, covenant or environmental covenant, regardless of
how designated, that is otherwise enforceable under the law of
this State, whether created before or after the adoption of this
chapter, including, without limitation, those adopted pursuant to
section 343-E.

§3006.__Relationship to other land-use law

This chapter does not authorize a use of real property that is
otherwise prohibited by zoning, by law other than this chapter
regulating use of real property or by a recorded instrument that
has priority over the environmental covenant. An environmental
covenant may prohibit or restrict uses of real property that are
authorized by zoning or by law other than this chapter.


1.__Provision of copy.__A copy of an environmental covenant
must be provided by the persons and in the manner required by the
agency to:

A.__Each person who signed the covenant;

B.__Each person holding a recorded interest in the real
property subject to the covenant;

C.__Each person in possession of the real property subject
to the covenant;

D.__Each municipality or other unit of local government in
which real property subject to the covenant is located; and

E.__Any other person the agency requires.

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