LD 1557
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Improve the Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement Program LD 1557 Title Page
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LR 280
Item 1

successor. When an eligible successor in interest exists, the
successor is the only person to whom reimbursement under this
chapter may be made with respect to the transferred property.

Sec. 3. Creation of small business tax assistance program. The Department of
Economic and Community Development and the Department of
Administrative and Financial Services, Maine Revenue Services
jointly shall develop a program to assist small businesses with
the payment of taxes incurred under the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 36. The program must be needs-based, be available only to
small businesses and provide for a rebate of taxes paid by the
small businesses. Funding for the program must come from the
savings generated by eliminating the reimbursement of property
taxes under the Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement program and
a tax increment financing district agreement and limiting the
amount and length of reimbursement pursuant to sections 1 and 2
of this Act.

The department and Maine Revenue Services shall report by
December 15, 2005 to the Second Regular Session of the 122nd
Legislature with their recommendations and necessary implementing


This bill prohibits reimbursement of property taxes under the
Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement program if the taxes also
are reimbursed under a tax increment financing district agreement
for property first placed into service on or after April 1, 2007.
This bill also limits the reimbursement to 90% of the assessed
taxes and reduces the number of years property is eligible for
reimbursement from 12 years to 10 years. The savings generated
by the elimination of this so-called "double-dip" must be used to
fund a new program created jointly by the Department of Economic
and Community Development and the Department of Administrative
and Financial Services, Maine Revenue Services to provide tax
assistance to small businesses based on need.

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