LD 1551
pg. 3
Page 2 of 11 An Act To Make Technical Amendments to the Maine Uniform Trust Code Page 4 of 11
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LR 1146
Item 1

subsection 1 or 2 to give notice, information and reports to
qualified beneficiaries by:

A.__Waiving or modifying such duties as to all qualified
beneficiaries except the settlor's surviving spouse during
the lifetime of the settlor or the lifetime of the settlor's
surviving spouse; and

B.__Designating a person or persons, any of whom may or may
not be a beneficiary, to act in good faith to protect the
interests of the qualified beneficiaries who are not
receiving notice, information or reports and to receive any
notice, information or reports required under section 813,
subsection 1 or 2 in lieu of providing such notice,
information or reports to the qualified beneficiaries.__The
person or persons designated under this paragraph are deemed
to be representatives of the qualified beneficiaries not
receiving notice, information or reports for the purposes of
the time limitation for a beneficiary to commence an action
against the trustee for breach of trust as provided in
section 1005, subsection 1.


Subsection 2, paragraph H has been changed by adding the word
"qualified" before "beneficiary". The change is consistent with
section 813, subsection 1, which, as adopted in Maine, requires
that a trustee respond to a "qualified beneficiary's" request for
trustee's reports and other information reasonably related to the
administration of a trust. Notwithstanding the trustee's duty
under section 813, subsection 2, paragraphs B and C to provide
qualified beneficiaries with notice of certain information about
the trust, under subsection 105, subsection 2, paragraph H a
settlor may, by the terms of the trust, prohibit the trustee from
notifying a qualified beneficiary who has not yet attained 25
years of age, of the existence of the trust, of the identity of
the trustee and of the qualified beneficiary's right to request
trustee reports. However, once a qualified beneficiary attains
25 years of age, the only way the qualified beneficiary may be
"kept in the dark" as to the existence of the trust is for the
settlor to name a person or persons to receive trustee reports on
behalf of the qualified beneficiary as provided in subsection 3.
The "protector" named in subsection 3 must act in good faith to
protect the interests of the qualified beneficiary on whose
behalf the protector is receiving trust information. Subsection 3
is not a uniform provision of the Uniform Trust Code. Maine
added subsection 3 as a means to provide settlors with an option
to prevent disclosure of the existence of the trust and details
of the trust administration to

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