LD 1550
pg. 4
Page 3 of 8 An Act To Establish the Arsonist Registration Act Page 5 of 8
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LR 2144
Item 1

verification form, take the arsonist's fingerprints, complete
the law enforcement portion of the verification form and
immediately forward the fingerprints, photograph and form to
the bureau.

9.__Arsonist access to information.__Pursuant to Title 16,
section 620, the bureau shall provide all information described
in subsection 1 to an arsonist who requests the arsonist's own

10.__Public access to information.__The information gathered
under this section is confidential and may only be accessed by a
law enforcement agency or other authorized individual in the
State or in another state, except that the bureau shall furnish
the registration information to the Department of Public Safety,
State Fire Marshal's Office, which may post the information for
the public on the Internet or other medium.

§11304.__Duty to register

1.__Duty to register.__An arsonist who has been convicted of
an arson offense within the past 10 years must register with the
law enforcement agency having jurisdiction in those areas where
the registrant is domiciled, works or attends school within 24
hours and the bureau within 5 days of becoming eligible under
subsection 2 or after changing domicile, employment or school.
Registration information must include the arsonist's current
address, place of employment, including the name and address of
the employer, and school.

2.__When duty to register must be exercised. An arsonist shall
register as follows.

A.__If the arsonist has been sentenced to a wholly suspended
sentence with probation or to a punishment alternative not
involving imprisonment, the duty to register is triggered at
the time the arsonist commences an actual execution of the
wholly suspended sentence or at the time of sentence
imposition when no punishment alternative involving
imprisonment is imposed, unless the court orders a stay of
execution, in which event the duty is triggered by the
termination of the stay.

B.__If the arsonist is sentenced to a straight term of
imprisonment or to a split sentence, the duty to register is
triggered by discharge or conditional release.

C.__If the arsonist is committed under Title 15, section
103, the duty to register is triggered by discharge or
conditional release under Title 15, section 104-A.

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