LD 1545
pg. 9
Page 8 of 9 An Act To Establish a Cooperative Approach to Health Care Coverage LD 1545 Title Page
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LR 16
Item 1

residents of this State starting January 1, 2006. The bill
requires that the Board of Directors of Dirigo Health develop a
benefit package compatible with federally authorized health savings
accounts and provide the opportunity for health savings accounts
for all eligible individuals. The bill also limits the out-of-
pocket maximums, including deductibles, copayments and coinsurance,
under the Dirigo Health Insurance program to 10% of an eligible
individual's adjusted gross income. The bill requires Dirigo
Health to establish the Enrollee Hardship Fund to provide financial
assistance to eligible individuals to meet any required out-of-
pocket maximums under the Dirigo Health Insurance program.

Financing for coverage under the Dirigo Health Insurance
program is provided through an individual health assessment.
Beginning January 1, 2006, each resident individual and
nonresident individual subject to income tax liability must pay
an individual health assessment of 5% for the first $150,000 of
that individual's adjusted gross income and an additional 1% of
any portion of that adjusted gross income that exceeds $150,000
unless the individual has other coverage through at least a basic
catastrophic policy and is not enrolled in Dirigo Health. The
bill repeals the provision in current law relating to savings
offset payments by health insurers and 3rd-party administrators.

Part B and Part C correct cross-references necessitated by
changes in this bill.

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