LD 1542
pg. 1
LD 1542 Title Page An Act To Provide Relief to Retailers Who Have Been Issued Bad Checks LD 1542 Title Page
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LR 8
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 14 MRSA §6071, sub-§5 is enacted to read:

5.__Second bad check.__A person who intentionally issues or
negotiates a 2nd bad check to the same payee within one year of
issuing or negotiating the first bad check knowing that the check
will not be honored by the maker or drawee is liable to the payee
not only for the face amount of the check, the costs and
attorney's fees pursuant to subsections 1 and 2, but also for
additional liquidated damages if the check is dishonored and the
drawer fails to pay the face amount of the check within 30 days
of a written demand for payment by the payee.

A.__If a bad check is refused by the drawee bank because the
drawer has no account with the bank, the additional
liquidated damages are in an amount twice the face amount of
the check or $750, whichever is less.

B.__If a bad check is refused by the drawee bank because the
drawer has insufficient funds on deposit with the bank, the
additional liquidated damages are in an amount twice the
face amount of the check or $400, whichever is less.

Sec. 2. Collection of worthless instrument. The district attorneys of the
State shall implement a uniform policy on the collection of
worthless instruments. The offices of the district attorneys
shall submit their policy to the Joint Standing Committee on
Judiciary by January 15, 2006.


This bill imposes a penalty for issuing a 2nd bad check within
a year of the first violation to the same payee. The penalty is
paid to the payee. This bill also requires the 8 district
attorneys to implement a uniform policy on collecting worthless

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