LD 1541
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act Pertaining to Disclosure of Prescription Drug Prices Page 3 of 3
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LR 1702
Item 1

Federal Government in accordance with 42 United States Code,
Section 1396r-8(b)(3).

Sec. 2. 22 MRSA §2698-B, sub-§§2 and 3, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 667,
§1 and affected by §2, are repealed.

Sec. 3. 22 MRSA §2698-B, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 667, §1 and
affected by §2, is amended to read:

4. Certification. When a manufacturer of prescription drugs
dispensed in this State reports the average wholesale price,
wholesale acquisition cost, average manufacturer price or best
price, the president or chief executive officer an officer of the
manufacturer or officer's delegate responsible for reporting
Medicaid drug pricing information to the Federal Government shall
certify to the department, on a form provided by the
commissioner, that the reported prices are accurate are the same
as those reported to the Federal Government as required by 42
United States Code, Section 1396r-8(b)(3) for the applicable
rebate period.

Sec. 4. 22 MRSA §2698-B, sub-§5, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 667, §1 and
affected by §2, is repealed and the following enacted in its

5.__Confidentiality; public information.__Notwithstanding any
provision of law to the contrary, information submitted to the
department pursuant to this section is confidential and is not a
public record as defined in Title 1, section 402, subsection 3.__
Disclosure may be made by the department to an entity providing
services to the department under this section; however, that
disclosure does not change the confidential status of the
information.__The information may be used by the entity only for
the purpose specified by the department in its contract with the
entity.__ Data compiled in aggregate form by the department for
the purposes of reporting required by this section is a public
record as defined in Title 1, section 402, subsection 3, as long
as it does not reveal trade information that is protected by
state or federal law.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill limits the pricing information that a manufacturer
must report to the Department of Health and Human Services to
average manufacturer price and best price as defined by federal
law. It eliminates the instructions on calculating

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