LD 1517
pg. 5
Page 4 of 6 An Act Amending the Laws Regarding Persons Not Criminally Responsible by Reason... Page 6 of 6
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LR 2194
Item 1

in which both the issues of guilt and of insanity are submitted
simultaneously to the jury. At the defendant's election, the jury
shall must be informed that the 2 pleas have been made and that the
trial will be in 2 stages.

2. If a 2-stage trial is elected by the defendant, there
shall must be a separation of the issue of guilt from the issue
of insanity in the following manner.

A. The issue of guilt shall must be tried first and the
issue of insanity tried only if the jury returns a verdict
of guilty. If the jury returns a verdict of not guilty, the
proceedings shall must terminate.

B. Evidence of mental disease or defect, as defined in
section 39, subsection 2, shall is not be admissible in the
guilt or innocence phase of the trial for the purpose of
establishing insanity. Such evidence shall must be
admissible for that purpose only in the 2nd phase following
a verdict of guilty.

3. The issue of insanity shall must be tried before the same
jury as tried the issue of guilt. Alternate jurors who were
present during the first phase of the trial but who did not
participate in the deliberations and verdict thereof may be
substituted for jurors who did participate. The defendant may
elect to have the issue of insanity tried by the court without a

4. If the jury in the first phase returns a guilty verdict,
the trial shall must proceed to the 2nd phase. The defendant and
the State may rely upon evidence admitted during the first phase
or they may recall witnesses. Any evidence relevant to insanity
is admissible. The order of proof shall must reflect that the
defendant has the burden of establishing his the defendant's lack
of criminal responsibility by reason of insanity. The jury shall
return a verdict that the defendant is criminally responsible or
not criminally responsible by reason of mental disease or defect
insanity. If the defendant is found criminally responsible, the
court shall sentence him the defendant according to law.

5. This section does not apply to cases tried before the
court without a jury.


This bill replaces disparate references to the affirmative
defense of insanity in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 15,
section 103 and in Title 17-A, sections 39 and 40 with the more

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