LD 1515
pg. 5
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LR 1402
Item 1

(1) Be community-based; and

(2) Have a demonstrated ability and expertise to
deliver, coordinate and manage community mental health
services within a specified region;

F. Include standards for the coordination of care among
different disciplines, between physical health and mental
health and among the various state departments and bureaus
that provide support or assistance;

G. Require that proposals ensure that individual needs and
strengths will be recognized;

H. Require that proposals ensure consumer choice. The
pilot project design must support services that are
consumer-centered and that meet consumer needs;

I. Require that proposals address specific gaps in access,
services and resources within the region;

J. Require that proposals provide incentives to regional
entities and regional providers to deliver high-quality care
and ensure clinical appropriateness. The pilot project
design must recognize the importance of the therapeutic
relationship in continuity of care;

K. Require that proposals address the coordination of
treatment and support needs of the individual, such as
social, vocational, housing and transportation necessities;

L. Require that proposals support the individual's recovery
through the delivery of recovery-oriented and rehabilitative
services. Individual service plans must be based on
clinical assessment and functionality;

M. Require that proposals ensure flexible service delivery;

N. Require that proposals require that clinical decisions
that determine access to care be consumer-focused and occur
at the community provider level; and

O. Require that proposals incorporate the rules adopted by
the former Department of Behavioral and Developmental
Services regarding the rights of recipients of mental health
services and effectively address the mandates of the Augusta
Mental Health Institute consent decree compliance plans.

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