LD 1514
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LD 1514 Title Page An Act To Enhance the Transparency of Maine's Elections Page 2 of 4
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LR 1888
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 21-A MRSA §737-B is enacted to read:

§737-B.__Random sample recounts for the purpose of auditing

voting machinery

1. Random sample recount.__Following each election in an even-
numbered year, the Secretary of State shall randomly select, by
means of a ping-pong-ball-style lottery, a sample of .05% of all
voting machines used in state elections for a manual vote recount
to audit the machines' accuracy and performance.__These recounts
must be performed on November 11th, unless that date falls on a
Saturday or Sunday, in which case the recount must take place on
the first Monday following November 11th.__Recounts must be
performed pursuant to the requirements of section 737-A and must:

A.__Use the ballots produced or employed by machine

B.__Be held in the offices of the Secretary of State in
Augusta or at a similarly situated central location as the
Secretary of State designates before the recount;

C.__Be performed by volunteer teams of notaries duly
authorized by the State who are organized and trained
specifically for random sample recounts by the Office of the
Secretary of State.__The teams must consist of enrolled and
unenrolled registered voters in proportion to the
percentages, by party and nonparty affiliation, of voter
enrollment registered in the previous election cycle;

D.__Be open to public observation; and

E.__Serve as the final tally for the voting locations

2.__Escalating recount trigger.__If there is a discrepancy in
any race greater than .01% between a machine tally and the
recount tally conducted pursuant to subsection 1 that cannot be
accounted for by voter error or ambiguity of voter intent, a
further manual recount of the vote tally of an additional 1%
random sample of machines from voting places that employ the same
machine type as the discrepant machine must be conducted as
described in subsection 1.__If more than 2 recounts are triggered
pursuant to the requirements of this subsection, all vote totals
by machines of the same type as those found to be discrepant must
be recounted. Recounts must proceed without delay. The recounted
vote totals for triggered recounts serve as the final tally for
those machines.

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