| 2.__Escalating recount trigger.__If there is a discrepancy in |
any race greater than .01% between a machine tally and the |
recount tally conducted pursuant to subsection 1 that cannot be |
accounted for by voter error or ambiguity of voter intent, a |
further manual recount of the vote tally of an additional 1% |
random sample of machines from voting places that employ the same |
machine type as the discrepant machine must be conducted as |
described in subsection 1.__If more than 2 recounts are triggered |
pursuant to the requirements of this subsection, all vote totals |
by machines of the same type as those found to be discrepant must |
be recounted. Recounts must proceed without delay. The recounted |
vote totals for triggered recounts serve as the final tally for |
those machines. |