LD 1513
pg. 1
LD 1513 Title Page An Act To Require Coordinated Early Childhood Care and Preschool Education in M... Page 2 of 2
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LR 1438
Item 1

Emergency preamble. Whereas, acts of the Legislature do not become
effective until 90 days after adjournment unless enacted as
emergencies; and

Whereas, this legislation requires that the Department of
Education develop standards to ensure that providers of early
childhood care and preschool education are appropriately skilled
and educated and that the settings for that education are safe
and developmentally appropriate; and

Whereas, these standards must be adopted and in place well
before the beginning of the next school year; and

Whereas, in the judgment of the Legislature, these facts create
an emergency within the meaning of the Constitution of Maine and
require the following legislation as immediately necessary for
the preservation of the public peace, health and safety; now,

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 20-A MRSA §4255 is enacted to read:

§4255. Coordinated early childhood care and preschool education

1. Approval process for early childhood education. Any school
administrative unit that wishes to develop an early childhood
care and preschool education program must submit a proposal for
approval to the department. The proposal must:

A.__Demonstrate coordination with other community-based
early childhood care and preschool education programs to
ensure that new preschool services do not duplicate the
efforts of other programs;

B.__Demonstrate the coordination outlined in paragraph A by
including a sign-off at the local level between the school
administrative unit and the regional child care resource
development center in that area and at the state level by
approval of both the commissioner and the Commissioner of
Health and Human Services;

C.__Ensure that services are available to preschool children
with disabilities through appropriate coordination with
regional Child Development Services System sites; and

D.__Meet the extended child care needs of working parents.

2. Rulemaking. The department and the Department of Health and
Human Services may jointly adopt rules to implement this

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