LD 1510
pg. 8
Page 7 of 9 An Act To Amend the Lobster Fishing Laws of Maine Page 9 of 9
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LR 627
Item 1

2001, c. 421, Pt. B, §61 and affected by Pt. C, §1, are further
amended to read:

2. Permitted activity. A lobster tail permit authorizes a
wholesale seafood license holder to remove a lobster tail from a
lobster and to process that whole lobster tail or portions of
that lobster tail under the following conditions.

A. The lobster tail or lobster tail portions may be
processed only at the establishment named in the permit.

B. The lobster tail or lobster tail portions may come from
only a legal-sized lobster, as defined in section 6431.

C. All containers in which lobster tails or lobster tail
portions are packed to be sold, shipped or transported must
be clearly labeled with the name, address and permit number
of the packer.

4. Rules. The commissioner, in accordance with Title 5,
chapter 375, may adopt rules necessary for implementation and
enforcement of this section. These rules may include provisions
for determining that lobster tails or lobster tail portions
processed by a wholesale seafood license holder under this
section were removed by that wholesale seafood license holder
from legal-sized lobsters and other provisions as may be
determined necessary.


This bill amends the laws governing lobster and crab fishing
in the following ways.

1. It provides a definition of "full-time student" to be used
to determine eligibility for obtaining a student lobster and crab
fishing license.

2. It amends the trap tag program to remove the December 31,
2005 repeal on the build-up provisions and strikes language no
longer relevant regarding initial trap tag allocations.

3. It requires that all zones that a person declares on a
license application be on that person's license, and states that
a person may not place any traps in a zone that is not identified
on that person's license. It states that the number of trap tags
sold will be used to determine the majority of a person's traps,
rather than the number of traps fished.

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