LD 1506
pg. 5
Page 4 of 13 An Act To Update the Laws Governing Borrow Pits and Quarries Page 6 of 13
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LR 585
Item 1

13. Dust. Dust generated by activities at the excavation
site, including dust associated with traffic to and from the
excavation site, must be controlled by sweeping, paving, watering
or other best management practices for control of fugitive
emissions. Dust control methods may include the application of
calcium chloride, providing the manufacturer's labeling
guidelines are followed. The department may not grant a variance
from the provisions of this subsection. Visible emissions from a
fugitive emission source may not exceed an opacity of 20% for
more than 5 minutes in any one-hour period.

Sec. 7. 38 MRSA §490-N is enacted to read:


The department may grant a release from the requirements of
this article to the owner or operator or a transferee after
reclamation of the affected area as determined by the department.__
The department shall inspect the site before making this
determination.__The release will terminate if any further
excavation on the parcel for borrow, clay, topsoil or silt is
proposed by the owner or operator or a transferee.__A person
proposing further excavation on the parcel must file a notice of
intent to comply pursuant to section 490-C and comply with all
requirements of this article.__Payment of the annual fee under
section 490-J will resume in the year when the further excavation

Sec. 8. 38 MRSA §490-W, sub-§18, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 700, §35,
is amended to read:

18. Reclamation. "Reclamation" means the rehabilitation of
the area of land affected by mining, including, but not limited
to, the stabilization of slopes and creation of safety benches,
the planting of forests, the seeding of grasses and legumes for
grazing purposes, the planting of crops for harvest and, the
enhancement of wildlife and aquatic habitat and aquatic resources
and the development of the site for residential, commercial,
recreational or industrial use. "Reclamation" does not include
the filling in of pits and the filling or sealing of shafts and
underground workings with solid materials unless necessary for
the protection of groundwater or for reasons of safety.

Sec. 9. 38 MRSA §490-Y, first ¶, as amended by PL 1997, c. 364, §22, is
further amended to read:

Except as provided in section 484-A, a person intending to
create or operate a quarry under this article must file a notice
of intent to comply before the total area of excavation of rock
or overburden on the parcel exceeds one acre. Both reclaimed and

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