LD 1505
pg. 7
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LR 2267
Item 1

administrative release not to exceed the one year authorized under
section 1349-A, subsection 1.

Sec. 18. 17-A MRSA §1349-D, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 711, Pt. A,
§19, is amended to read:

§1349-D. Commencement of administrative release

revocation proceeding

1. If during the period of administrative release the
attorney for the State has probable cause to believe that the
person placed on administrative release has violated a
requirement of administrative release, the attorney for the State
may file a motion with the court seeking to revoke administrative
release and cause a summons to be delivered to the person placed
on administrative release ordering that person to appear for a
court hearing on the alleged violation. The motion must set
forth the facts underlying the alleged violation. The summons
must be in the same form as a summons under section 1205-B,
subsection 2 except that the summons must include the signature
of a law enforcement officer other than a probation officer.

1-A.__A summons may be used to order a person who was placed
on administrative release to appear on a motion to revoke that
person's administrative release.

2. A person placed on administrative release appearing on a
motion to revoke administrative release pursuant to a summons
must be afforded an initial appearance as provided in section
1205-C, subsection 4.

3. If the person placed on administrative release fails to
appear in court after having been served with a summons, the
court may issue a warrant for the arrest of the person. After
arrest of the person, the court shall afford the person a
preliminary hearing an initial appearance as provided in section
1205 1205-C, subsection 4, and, if retained in custody, section
1205-C, subsection 3 applies.

4. If the person placed on administrative release can be
located and served a summons, the attorney for the State may not
commence the administrative release proceeding by having the
person arrested. However, if the person can not, with due
diligence, be located, the attorney for the State shall file a
written notice of this fact with the court and obtain a warrant
of arrest under Rule 41 of the Maine Rules of Criminal Procedure.
If during the period of administrative release the attorney for
the State has probable cause to believe that the person placed on
administrative release has violated a requirement of
administrative release, the attorney for the State

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