LD 1505
pg. 3
Page 2 of 12 An Act To Amend the Sentencing Laws Page 4 of 12
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LR 2267
Item 1

underlying criminal episode giving rise to the conviction
generated probable cause to believe the defendant had
committed a Class A, Class B or Class C crime in the
course of that criminal episode and, as agreed upon in
writing by the parties and found by the court, the
defendant has no prior conviction for murder or for a
Class A, Class B or Class C crime and has not been placed
on probation pursuant to this subparagraph on any prior

(2)__A Class D crime committed against a family or
household member under chapter 9 or 13 or section 506-
B, 554, 555 or 758.__As used in this subparagraph,
"family or household member" has the same meaning as in
Title 19-A, section 4002, subsection 4;

(3)__A Class D or Class E crime in chapter 11 or 12;

(4)__A Class D crime under section 210-A;

(5)__A Class D or Class E crime under section 556,
section 854, excluding subsection 1, paragraph A,
subparagraph (1), or section 855;

(6)__A Class D crime in chapter 45 relating to a
schedule W drug; or

(7)__A Class D or Class E crime under Title 29-A,
section 2411, subsection__1-A, paragraph B.

Sec. 8. 17-A MRSA §1202, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1997, c. 421, Pt. B,
§1, is further amended to read:

2. During the period of probation specified in the sentence
made pursuant to subsection 1, and upon application of a person
on probation or the person's probation officer, or upon its own
motion, the court may, after a hearing upon notice to the
probation officer and the person on probation, modify the
requirements imposed by the court or a community reparations
board, add further requirements authorized by section 1204, or
relieve the person on probation of any requirement imposed by the
court or a community reparations board that, in its opinion,
imposes on the person an unreasonable burden. If the person on
probation cannot meet a requirement imposed by the court or a
community reparations board, the person shall bring a motion
under this subsection.

Notwithstanding this subsection, the court may grant, ex parte, a
motion brought by the probation officer to add further
requirements if the requirements are immediately necessary to

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