LD 1504
pg. 8
Page 7 of 9 An Act To Amend the Statutes Relating to Juveniles Page 9 of 9
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LR 363
Item 1

H. A juvenile held under observation must be under constant
sight and sound supervision by facility staff, which must be
constant if necessary to prevent imminent harm to the

Sec. 19. 34-A MRSA §4111, sub-§3, as amended by PL 2003, c. 706, Pt.
A, §13, is further amended to read:

3. Psychiatric hospitalization. The commissioner has all the
power over a juvenile client or juvenile detainee that a guardian
has over a ward and that a parent has over a child with regard to
necessary psychiatric hospitalization, including hospitalization
in a nonstate mental health institution or hospital for the
mentally ill. If a juvenile client or juvenile detainee is or
becomes 18 years of age while still under commitment or while
still detained, the statutory guardianship of the commissioner
over the juvenile client or juvenile detainee terminates, but the
juvenile client or juvenile detainee remains subject to the
control of the commissioner and staff and rules of the facility
until the expiration of the period of commitment or until release
or discharge from the facility. Nothing in this subsection may
be construed to override the requirement to make application for
psychiatric hospitalization in accordance with Title 34-B,
section 3863, unless hospitalization is made with the juvenile
client's or juvenile detainee's consent in accordance with Title
34-B, section 3831. If placement in a licensed residential care
facility providing a mental health treatment program is an
appropriate alternative to psychiatric hospitalization, that
placement may be made by the commissioner with the juvenile
client's or juvenile detainee's consent.

Sec. 20. 34-A MRSA §5402, sub-§2, ¶H, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 459,
§6, is amended to read:

H. Issue warrants for the arrest of parole violators and
juveniles who violate conditions of placement on community
reintegration status pursuant to sections 3810 and 4112;


This bill repeals a reference to an outdated Executive Order
relating to the membership of the Juvenile Justice Advisory
Group. It also makes consistent the observation provisions for
the Department of Corrections' 2 juvenile facilities. It
eliminates the authority to conditionally release or detain
juveniles for juvenile crimes for which the present law does not
allow incarceration, such as possession of marijuana.

The bill allows the Commissioner of Corrections to issue
arrest warrants for juveniles who violate provisions of community

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