LD 1503
pg. 8
Page 7 of 12 An Act To Amend the Economic Development Statutes Page 9 of 12
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LR 415
Item 1

(2) The development of the property will create
employment opportunities and other economic benefits
within the region; and

(3) The economic benefits expected to result from the
development justify the risks associated with the
authority's equity, loan or other interest in the
property; and

E. At least 25% of the total cost to acquire, develop and
bring the property to productive commercial use will be
borne by the The municipality or, local development
corporation or another entity will provide funding for the
project equal to 25% of the funding that the authority
provides to the project.

The authority may finance undeveloped land or personal property
only if the undeveloped land or personal property is part of the
overall development project.

Sec. 16. 5 MRSA §15302, sub-§3, ¶¶A and C, as enacted by PL 1999, c.
401, Pt. AAA, §3, are amended to read:

A. The Governor shall appoint 9 10 voting directors, 7 8 of
whom must be representatives of targeted technologies. The
other 2 directors must have demonstrated significant
experience in finance, lending or venture capital. In
making the appointments from targeted technologies, the
Governor shall consider recommendations submitted by
representatives of targeted technology sectors. Directors
of the board appointed by the Governor are entitled to
receive reimbursement at the legislative rate for necessary
expenses for their attendance at authorized meetings of the

C. The President of the Maine Science and Technology
Foundation or the president's designee and the Director of
the State Planning Office or the director's designee are is
an ex officio nonvoting directors director.

Sec. 17. 5 MRSA §15306, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 401, Pt. AAA, §3,
is amended to read:

§15306. Liability of officers, directors and employees

All officers, directors, employees and other agents of the
institute entrusted with the custody of the securities of the
institute or authorized to disburse the funds of the institute
must be bonded either by a blanket bond or by individual bonds

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