LD 1502
pg. 5
Page 4 of 5 An Act To Implement Recommendations of the Family Law Advisory Commission LD 1502 Title Page
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LR 1836
Item 1


This bill puts into law recommendations of the Family Law
Advisory Commission.

This bill authorizes a court to order payment of attorney's
fees and costs while an action under the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 19-A is proceeding or when the action is completed.
Current law authorizes attorney's fees in only limited types of
family law actions. The court may order a party to pay the fees
and expenses of 3rd-party participants, including guardians ad
litem, expert witnesses and service providers. The costs of
prosecuting a collection action may also be awarded. This bill
deletes attorney's fees provisions throughout Title 19-A that are

This bill adds a family case management officer and a
representative of the Judicial Branch's Court Alternative Dispute
Resolution Service to the membership of the Family Law Advisory

This bill amends the definition of "decree of spousal support,
support or costs" to include an order for the division and
disposition of property connected to a divorce judgment,
including, among other actions, proceedings to effectuate a
qualified domestic relations order, to reach, attach or liquidate
property or to quiet title.

Current law presumes that the parent paying child support also
provides health insurance for the child. This bill allows the
court to order either parent to provide health insurance coverage
for the child.

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