LD 1501
pg. 4
Page 3 of 9 An Act To Prevent Domestic Abuse by Reinstating the Death Penalty for Persons W... Page 5 of 9
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LR 506
Item 1

(2) Notification may not be less than 90 days prior to
the effective date of the termination, cancellation,
noncontinuance or nonrenewal; or

(3) Notification may not be less than 15 days prior to
the effective date of the termination, cancellation,
noncontinuance or nonrenewal with respect to any of the

(a) Insolvency of the new recreational vehicle
dealer or filing of any petition by or against the
new recreational vehicle dealer under any
bankruptcy or receivership law;

(b) The business operations outlined by the dealer
agreement have been abandoned or closed for 14
consecutive business days unless the closing is
due to an act of God, a strike or labor

(c) Conviction of or plea of nolo contendere of a
recreational vehicle dealer or one of its
principal owners of murder or any Class A, Class B
or Class C crime, as defined in Title 17-A, in
which a sentence of imprisonment of 60 days or
more or a death sentence is imposed under Title
17-A, sections 1251 and 1252 chapter 51, 52 or 52-

(d) Revocation of the recreational vehicle
dealer's license pursuant to Title 29-A, section
903; or

(e) A determination that there was a material
fraudulent misrepresentation by the dealer to the
manufacturer, distributor or wholesaler; or

Sec. 4. 15 MRSA c. 301, sub-c. 5 is enacted to read:



§1851.__Transfer to Maine State Prison

When a person is sentenced to death, the judgment of the court
must direct the sheriff of the county in which the trial was held
to move the person from the county jail to the Maine State
Prison.__Unless otherwise directed by an appropriate court order,
the person must be kept in the Maine State Prison pending the
review of the sentence by the Supreme Judicial Court.

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