LD 1495
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act To Limit Corporate Influence Over the Political Process LD 1495 Title Page
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LR 2050
Item 1

2.__Secure in property.__To be secure in its property, papers
and effects;

3.__Search and seizure.__To be protected against unreasonable
search and seizure;

4.__Warrants.__To have no warrants issued except upon probable
cause, supported by oath or affirmation and particularly
describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to
be seized;

5.__Due process of law.__To not be deprived of property
without due process of law;

6.__Just compensation.__To not have the corporation's private
property taken for public use without just compensation; and

7.__Equal protection.__To equal protection as compared to
other business corporations but not as compared to a person or
other entity.

§108. Other entity rights

An entity, other than a domestic or foreign business
corporation, has the same rights as a person.

Sec. 7. Review of use of "person." The Joint Standing Committee on
Judiciary shall review the use of the term "person" throughout
the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 13-C to ensure consistency of
the use of that term with this Act. The committee shall report
out by January 15, 2006 any legislation necessary to carry out
the intent of this Act.


This bill changes the definition of "person" for purposes of
the Maine Business Corporation Act to specify that "person" means
a natural person and not an entity such as a corporation, a
state, the United States or a foreign government. The purpose of
this change is to prohibit a corporation from engaging in
political speech or activity using funds of the corporation,
unless those funds are from a segregated account established
specifically for the purpose of funding political speech or

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