LD 1480
pg. 8
Page 7 of 15 An Act Regarding Licensing Boards Page 9 of 15
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LR 2134
Item 1

2. Nonactive renewal registration. Every registered
pharmacist not practicing pharmacy within this State shall pay
annually, on or before December 31st or on another the expiration
date as determined by the commissioner, a renewal fee to the
secretary of the board as set under section 13724, in return for
which a nonactive renewal registration shall must be issued.

Every registered pharmacist holding a nonactive renewal
registration who desires to practice pharmacy in this State shall
be is required to submit proof satisfactory to the board that,
during the calendar year preceding application for active
registration, the pharmacist has participated in not less than 15
hours of approved courses of continuing professional
pharmaceutical education as defined in section 13735. The board
may make exceptions from the operation of the continuing
education requirement of this section in emergency or hardship

If any person fails or neglects to procure the annual nonactive
renewal registration, notice of that failure having been mailed
to that person's last known address by the board, after the
expiration of 30 days following the issue of notice, that
person's original registration shall expire expires. That
person, in order to regain registration, shall be is required to
pay one renewal fee as set under section 13724 in addition to the
sum of all fees that person may be in arrears.

3. Fees. The board shall specify by rule the procedures to be
followed, in addition to those specified by section 13715-A, and
the fees to be paid for renewal of licenses.

Sec. B-10. 32 MRSA §13735, as amended by PL 1999, c. 130, §8, is
further amended by adding at the end a new paragraph to read:

Each application for approval of a continuing education
program or course must be submitted according to the guidelines
prescribed by rule by the board, together with a required fee as
set under section 13724.

Sec. B-11. 32 MRSA §13751, sub-§3-A, as amended by PL 1997, c. 117,
§11, is further amended to read:

3-A. Mail order contact lens suppliers. In order to meet the
board's minimum licensure requirements, a mail order contact lens
supplier must:

A. Apply for a license annually, if filling contact lens
prescriptions by mail or carrier for a patient that resides
in this State;

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