LD 1472
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act To Amend the Laws Governing the Rural Medical Access Program LD 1472 Title Page
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LR 449
Item 1

Program payments must be made to the individual or entity paying
the medical malpractice premium for the qualified physician.


This bill clarifies that a physician, hospital or physician's
employer that does not purchase insurance is considered self-
insured for the purposes of the Rural Medical Access Program.

The bill limits assessments to physicians licensed and
practicing medicine in this State and removes the requirement
that the Superintendent of Insurance certify that all physicians,
hospitals and physician's employers have paid the assessment.

The bill removes a provision that the assessment be
distributed on a prorated basis. The assessment is made as a
percentage of premium. The maximum assessment rate of 1.25% is
the current rate. That rate will be reduced to .75% effective
July 1, 2006. The assessment rate will be adjusted automatically
based upon the level of excess funds that have accumulated. The
bill also provides that the program fund balance may be used to
pay assistance to qualified eligible physicians in prior years
for which there were insufficient funds. If all prior years'
eligible qualified physicians have received assistance, any
excess funds must be carried forward to subsequent plan years as
part of the program fund balance.

The bill requires, rather than permits, an insurer to invest
collected assessments.

The bill increases the maximum assistance level to $15,000
from $10,000.

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