LD 1457
pg. 1
LD 1457 Title Page Resolve, To Reform the Maine Education System LD 1457 Title Page
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LR 1437
Item 1

Sec. 1. Task force; review. Resolved: That the Board of Education shall
convene a task force to review the special education system and
to develop a proposal that replaces it, beginning in 2010, with a
new system that complies with requirements under federal law and
under which every student receives an individual learning plan.
The task force shall also review the need to provide special
education services and ensure a free, appropriate public
education to children under 9 years of age who are experiencing
developmental delays. The department shall invite interested
parties and stakeholders to serve as members of the task force;
and be it further

Sec. 2. Report. Resolved: That, no later than January 15, 2006, the
Board of Education shall submit its proposal, along with any
necessary implementing legislation, for presentation to the Joint
Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs and the
Legislative Council. The department is authorized to introduce a
bill related to its proposal to the Second Regular Session of the
122nd Legislature at the time of submission of its proposal.


This resolve directs the Board of Education to convene a task
force to review the special education system and to develop a
proposal to phase it out and replace it with a new system under
which every student, not just special education students,
receives an individual learning plan and eligible children under
9 years of age who are experiencing developmental delays are
ensured a free appropriate public education. The department
shall invite interested parties and stakeholders to serve as
members of the task force.

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