LD 1436
pg. 8
Page 7 of 13 An Act To Encourage a Vote-by-Mail System in Maine Page 9 of 13
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LR 266
Item 1

D. While the voter or the aide is marking the ballot, there
may be no communication between the voter and any
individual, other than the aide who must mark the ballot as
the voter indicates, as to the person or question for which
the voter is to vote.

E. The voter or the aide must mark the ballot according to
section 691 or 692 so that it is impossible for anyone else
present to see how the voter voted, then seal the ballot in
its return envelope. The voter, or the aide at the voter's
request, shall complete and sign the affidavit in the
presence of the witness, who shall sign the witness
certification. The aide must complete and sign the
certification for aides on the outside of the envelope.

F. The voter or the aide must then complete the address on
the envelope and mail or deliver it personally or by the 3rd
person who was designated in the application to the clerk of
the municipality of which the voter is a resident. The
voter must send a completed voter registration or absentee
ballot application, if necessary, in a separate envelope.

Sec. 6. 21-A MRSA §756, as amended by PL 2003, c. 447, §§32 and 33,
is further amended to read:

§756. Procedure on receipt

When the clerk receives a return envelope apparently
containing an absentee ballot, he the clerk shall observe the
following procedures.

1. Time of receipt noted. He The clerk shall note the date
and time of delivery on each return envelope. On request, he
the clerk shall give the person who delivers the ballot a
receipt, stating the exact time of delivery.

2. Clerk to examine affidavit. He shall compare the
signature of the voter on the application, where required, with
that on the corresponding return envelope. He The clerk shall
examine the affidavit on the return envelope. If the signatures
appear to have been made by the same person and if the affidavit
is properly completed, he the clerk shall write "OK" and his
the clerk's initials on the return envelope. Otherwise, he
shall note any discrepancy on the return envelope.

The clerk may not open any return envelope.

A. If the signatures do not appear to have been made by the same
person, but this discrepancy is apparently the result

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