LD 1436
pg. 13
Page 12 of 13 An Act To Encourage a Vote-by-Mail System in Maine LD 1436 Title Page
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LR 266
Item 1

2. It requires municipal clerks to mail ballots and return
envelopes to registered voters 30 days before an election;

3. It requires the municipal clerk to verify the addresses of
registered voters prior to mailing out ballots as provided in

4. It allows persons who register after absentee ballots were
mailed out to request a ballot by mail or receive one in person
from the municipal clerk;

5. It provides a process for requesting an absentee ballot if
that person was not automatically mailed one by the clerk or if
that person is a uniformed service voter or an overseas voter;

6. It repeals provisions that allow 3rd-party or immediate
family participation in voting by absentee ballot.

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