LD 1431
pg. 2
Page 1 of 5 An Act To Adopt the Municipal Secession and Annexation Procedure for the Town o... Page 3 of 5
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LR 1910
Item 1

those initiating the petition, which must include a description of
the problems that have led to the secession and annexation effort.
Attendees shall discuss the problems, potential solutions other
than secession and annexation and the potential impact of secession
and annexation on the municipality and the counties. The secession
and annexation committee may submit a written report at the public
hearing that describes the impact of the proposed secession and
annexation on property taxes in both counties as well as in the

3. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 30-A,
section 2524, subsection 3, paragraph A, nonresidents may
participate in the public hearing on secession and annexation.

Sec. 3. Advisory referendum. Unless a majority of the secession and
annexation committee representatives withdraws support for
secession and annexation by filing written notice of such
withdrawal with the county commissioners of Knox and Waldo
counties, the municipality may conduct an advisory referendum
within the municipality within 60 days after the submission of
the petitions to the county commissioners pursuant to the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 21-A, chapter 9, subchapter 1, article 2
and subchapter 2. The question at the referendum must be:

"Do you favor secession of the Town of Islesboro from Waldo
County and annexation of the Town of Islesboro to Knox

The Waldo County Commissioners and the Knox County
Commissioners may hold separate advisory referenda in their
respective counties at the same time with the same question, as
long as the vote totals are kept and reported separately.

Sec. 4. Vote of county commissioners. Within 14 days following the
advisory referendum or advisory referenda, the county
commissioners of Knox and Waldo counties shall meet jointly and
take a recorded vote on whether to support the secession and
annexation request. If a majority of the county commissioners at
the joint meeting approves the request and more than 50% of the
registered voters in the municipality voting at the advisory
referendum favor secession and annexation, legislation requesting
secession and annexation may be submitted to the Legislature with
the information required in section 7.

Sec. 5. Resolving conflicts; selecting mediator. If the outcome of the vote
of the county commissioners and the advisory referendum in the
municipality are in conflict, an independent 3rd-party mediator
may be retained. The costs may be shared among the 2 counties
and the municipality, or by any of them

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