LD 1420
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LD 1420 Title Page An Act To Establish a Maternal and Infant Death Review Panel Page 2 of 2
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LR 612
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §4004, sub-§1, as amended by PL 2001, c. 11, §4, is
further amended to read:

1. General. The department may take appropriate action,
consistent with available funding, that will help prevent child
abuse and neglect and achieve the goals of section 4003 and
subchapter XI-A 11-A, including:

A. Developing and providing services which that:

(1) Support and reinforce parental care of children;

(2) Supplement that care; and

(3) When necessary, substitute for parental care of

B. Encouraging the voluntary use of these and other
services by families and children who may need them;

C. Cooperating and coordinating with other agencies,
facilities or persons providing related services to families
and children;

D. Establishing and maintaining a Child Protective Services
Contingency Fund to provide temporary assistance to families
to help them provide proper care for their children; and

E. Establishing a child death and serious injury review
panel for reviewing deaths and serious injuries to children.
The panel consists of the following members: the Chief
Medical Examiner, a pediatrician, a public health nurse,
forensic and community mental health clinicians, law
enforcement officers, departmental child welfare staff,
district attorneys and criminal or civil assistant attorneys

The purpose of the panel is to recommend to state and local
agencies methods of improving the child protection system,
including modifications of statutes, rules, policies and
procedures.; and

F.__Establishing a technical review panel to conduct
comprehensive, multidisciplinary reviews of maternal and infant
deaths in this State, for the purpose of identifying the factors
associated with the deaths and making recommendations for system
changes to improve services for women with infants in the State.__
Members of the panel

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