LD 1407
pg. 1
LD 1407 Title Page An Act To Allow Municipalities To Offer Subsidies to Parents To Send Their Chil... LD 1407 Title Page
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LR 1602
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 20-A MRSA §5815 is enacted to read:

§5815.__Subsidy to parents

A municipality may offer a subsidy to a parent of an
elementary or secondary student to send the student to a school
other than the public school that the student would attend under
section 5202.__In order to receive the subsidy under this
section, the parent must enter a contract with the municipality
that the parent will send the student to a school that is
accredited by the State under chapter 206, subchapter 2 or by
another state under that state's accreditation standards and
meets the provisions of the system of learning results under
section 6209.__A parent of an elementary or secondary student may
not receive a subsidy under this section for the student to
attend a home instruction program.


This bill allows municipalities to offer a subsidy to a parent
of an elementary or secondary student to send the student to a
school other than the public school in the school administrative
unit in which the parent or student resides. In order to receive
the subsidy, the parent must enter a contract with the
municipality that the parent will send the student to an
accredited school that meets the provisions of the system of
learning results. This bill does not allow a subsidy for a
parent to homeschool the student.

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