LD 1405
pg. 9
Page 8 of 12 An Act To Prepare Maine for Public Health Emergencies Page 10 of 12
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LR 602
Item 1

(1) Physicians, physician assistants, family nurse
practitioners, Medicare-certified rural health clinics,
professional associations or group practices performing
only tests acceptable to the department, as defined by
rule, exclusively for the examination of their own
patients; and

(2) Physicians, physician assistants, family nurse
practitioners, Medicare-certified rural health clinics,
professional associations or group practices performing
tests, other than those listed in subparagraph (1),
exclusively for the examination of their own patients
are subject only to sections 2024, 2025 and 2039.

Notwithstanding subparagraphs (1) and (2), laboratories
incorporated for the mutual use of physician or group
practice owners shall be are subject to all provisions of
this Act;

D. Medical laboratories in a school, college, university or
industrial plant which that are under the direct supervision
of, and which whose services are used exclusively by, a duly
licensed physician and which that perform only tests
acceptable to the department; otherwise, only sections 2024,
2025 and 2039 apply;

E. Laboratories operated and maintained for research and
teaching purposes which that are recognized by the
department or involve no patient or public health service;

F. The practice of radiology by a radiologist; and

G. Laboratory services performing health screening tests as
defined and regulated by rule adopted by the department.
Services exempted under this paragraph include, but are not
limited to, the performance of screening tests for
cholesterol and colon cancer.

Sec. 22. 22 MRSA §2013-A, sub-§3 is enacted to read:

3.__Public health reporting requirements.__Notwithstanding
subsection 1, any facility, regardless of location, that
receives, forwards or analyzes specimens of material from the
human body or referred cultures of specimens from the human body
and reports the results to health care providers who use the data
for purposes of patient care must comply with chapter 250.

Sec. 23. 26 MRSA c. 7, sub-c. 10 is enacted to read:


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