LD 1395
pg. 1
LD 1395 Title Page An Act Regarding National Forests Page 2 of 2
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LR 1316
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §751 is repealed.

Sec. 2. 12 MRSA §752 is amended to read:

§752. Federal rules and regulations

Power is conferred upon the Congress of the United States to
pass such laws and to make or provide for the making of such
rules and regulations, of both a civil and criminal nature, not
inconsistent with any of the provisions of this section and
sections 751 and section 754, and provide punishment therefor, as
in its judgment may be necessary for the administration, control
and protection of such lands as are acquired by the United States
under said sections. Such laws, rules and regulations shall may
not in any way supersede, invalidate or modify any of the laws of
the State of Maine respecting the storage, control, use or
development of water resources in the State, or the Mill Act, so
called. Said laws of the State of Maine as existing on March 20,
1934, or thereafter enacted, are made applicable to all lands
acquired under this section and sections 751 and section 754,
notwithstanding the title thereto shall must be in the United
States of America, nor shall may such laws, rules and
regulations, nor shall may anything in said sections in any way
limit the power of the State through its Legislature to pass any
legislation, either general or specific, respecting the storage,
control, use or development of the water resources thereon, or
respecting the laws of the State pertaining to fishing and
hunting, nor shall may it prevent the flowage of lands acquired
under this section and sections 751 and section 754 in accordance
with the Mill Act, or special charter, or other general laws of
the State, upon payment of compensation therefor, nor shall may
any consent of the United States of America be required to enable
action to be taken under or in accordance with said laws. The
State expressly reserves the jurisdiction of the courts of the
State with respect to the determination of questions arising
under said laws respecting lands so acquired by the United States
of America.

Sec. 3. 12 MRSA §753, as amended by PL 1975, c. 531, §1, is further
amended to read:

§753. State consent to acquisition of national forests

Subject to the Act of Congress of March 1, 1911, 36 Statutes
961, known as the Weeks Act, and Acts amendatory thereof and
supplemental thereto, the consent of the State of Maine is given
for the United States to acquire by purchase, gift or exchange
upon the payment of adequate compensation not exceeding 300,000

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