LD 1382
pg. 6
Page 5 of 7 An Act To Establish Permanent Subsidized Guardianship Page 7 of 7
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LR 603
Item 1

were to remain in the care or custody of the department, without
regard to the source of the funds.__Assistance may be provided for
special needs only.

6.__Duration of guardianship subsidy.__Under the program,
assistance may be provided for a period of time based on the
special needs of a child.__Except as otherwise provided in this
subsection, the duration of the subsidy may continue until the
termination of the permanency guardianship or until the
permanency guardian is no longer supporting the child, at which
time the guardianship subsidy ceases.__If the child has need of
educational benefits or has a physical, mental or emotional
handicap, the guardianship subsidy may continue until the child
has attained 21 years of age if the child, the parents and the
department agree that the need for care and support exists.

7.__Administration of program.__Applications for the program
may be submitted by a prospective permanency guardian.__A written
agreement between the family entering into the program and the
department must precede the order under section 4038-C creating
the permanency guardianship, except that an application may be
filed subsequent to the creation of the permanency guardianship
if there were facts relevant to the child's eligibility that were
not presented at the time of the request for the subsidy or if
the child was eligible for participation in the program at the
time of placement and the permanency guardian was not apprised of
the program.

8.__Annual redetermination required.__If the subsidy continues
for more than one year, the need for the subsidy must be annually
redetermined. The subsidy continues regardless of the state in
which the permanency guardian resides, or the state to which the
permanency guardian moves, if the family continues to be eligible
based on the annual redetermination of need.

9.__Death of permanency guardian.__Upon the death of all
persons serving as permanency guardian for a child, the subsidy
under the program may be transferred to a new legal guardian if
the child continues to be eligible for the guardianship subsidy
pursuant to the terms of the most recent agreement with the
permanency guardian. The department shall enter into a new
agreement with the new legal guardian.

10.__Adoption of rules.__The department shall adopt rules for
the program consistent with this section.__Those rules are
routine technical rules pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter 2-A.

Sec. 7. 22 MRSA §4052, sub-§2-A, ķA, as amended by PL 2003, c. 408, §7,
is further amended to read:

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