LD 1368
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Protect Small Forest Landowners LD 1368 Title Page
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LR 640
Item 1

2. Total acreage. The total acres taxed pursuant to this
subchapter, including a forest type breakdown by softwood, mixed
wood and hardwood; and

3. Year of acceptance. The year each parcel was first
accepted for taxation under this subchapter.;

4.__Year of recertification.__The year of most recent
recertification of each parcel; and

5.__Identifying information for each parcel listed.__The tax
map number, plan number and lot number for each parcel listed.

Addresses, telephone numbers and electronic mail addresses of
forest landowners owning less than 1,000 acres statewide in
reports filed under this section are not public records for the
purposes of Title 1, section 402, subsection 3.


This bill provides confidentiality for forest management plans
and supporting documentation of forest management activities on
private forest lands, when such documentation is held by the
Department of Conservation, Bureau of Forestry for the purpose of
administering landowner assistance programs. It also provides
confidentiality for the addresses, telephone numbers and
electronic mail addresses of forest landowners owning less than
1,000 acres statewide contained in harvest notifications and
reports of assessors to the Bureau of Forestry.

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