LD 1349
pg. 1
LD 1349 Title Page An Act To Encourage Neighborhood Schools and To Minimize Sprawl Caused by Schoo... LD 1349 Title Page
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LR 1849
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 20-A MRSA §15908, sub-§5 is enacted to read:

5.__Neighborhood schools.__The state board may approve only
those school construction projects that are proposed to be sited
in a growth area designated in a comprehensive plan and zoning
ordinance adopted pursuant to and found consistent with the
procedures, goals and guidelines of Title 30-A, section 4347-A by
the Executive Department, State Planning Office.__In the absence
of an adopted, consistent comprehensive plan and zoning
ordinance, the state board may approve a school construction
project that is proposed to be sited in an area served by a
public sewer system, an area identified in the latest Federal
Decennial Census as a census-designated place or a compact area
of an urban compact municipality as defined under Title 23,
section 754.__If suitable property is not available within a
municipality's designated growth area, an area served by a public
sewer system, a census-designated place or a compact area, the
state board may not approve the school construction project
unless the municipality within which the school construction
project is located adopts a comprehensive plan and zoning
ordinance that designates the area within 1/2 mile of the
boundaries of the property as a growth area and adopts a capital
improvement plan to provide the public sewer, public water,
sidewalk and multiple-use path infrastructure necessary to
support a compact pattern of neighborhood growth.__The state
board shall work with the State Planning Office to prepare and
adopt criteria governing applications under this chapter to
define "compact pattern of neighborhood growth" and the required
infrastructure, including public sewer, public water, sidewalks
and multiple-use paths.


This bill encourages the building of schools only in areas of
a municipality that already are served or will be served by a
public infrastructure, such as sewer and water systems, sidewalks
and bicycle paths.

This bill allows the State Board of Education to approve
school construction only if the site is within an area that is a
designated growth area, an area served by a public sewer system,
a census-designated place or a compact area. For a site meeting
none of these criteria, the bill requires adoption of a
comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance by the municipality
before the state board may approve a project.

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