LD 1340
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act To Amend the Law Governing the Licensure of Interpreters for the Deaf an... LD 1340 Title Page
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services. The content and form of the disclosure must be developed
by the department pursuant to rule-making provisions of the Maine
Administrative Procedure Act. Rules adopted pursuant to this
section are routine technical rules pursuant to Title 5, chapter
375, subchapter II-A 2-A.

Sec. 6. 32 MRSA §1532, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 399, §17 and
affected by §20, is repealed.


This bill makes the following changes to the laws governing
licensure for interpreters for the deaf and hard-of-hearing:

1. It provides that achieving a score of 3.5 on the
Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment may be used as an
additional method of obtaining licensure as a limited interpreter
for the deaf or hard-of-hearing or a limited transliterator;

2. It eliminates the requirement that an interpreter disclose
the interpreter's training and experience to a consumer or
persons utilizing the services of the interpreter in order to
make the disclosure more meaningful to the consumer and less
burdensome for the interpreter;

3. It decreases the initial and renewal license fees for
applicants who are deaf from $300 to $100;

4. It increases from 15 to 20 the annual number of hours of
continuing education that must be completed by persons licensed
as limited interpreters, limited transliterators and limited deaf
interpreters; and

5. It repeals transitional language relating to
qualifications for limited licenses.

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