LD 1330
pg. 1
LD 1330 Title Page Resolve, To Lower the Cost of State Government by Approximately $1,000,000 Annu... LD 1330 Title Page
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Item 1

Sec. 1. Positions identified. Resolved: That the Governor shall identify
and recommend 8 positions for elimination in State Government
that are unclassified and filled by political appointment that
would result in reduction in spending of approximately $1,000,000
annually. The Governor shall report to the Joint Standing
Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs by October 1,
2005 on which 8 positions are being recommended for elimination.
The committee may approve the recommendation as presented or
substitute other positions to finally eliminate 8 positions
filled by political appointment.


The purpose of this resolve is to reduce state spending by
approximately $1,000,000 annually, commencing with fiscal year
2006-07. This resolve requires that the Governor identify and
recommend for elimination to the Joint Standing Committee on
Appropriations and Financial Affairs 8 politically appointed
positions in State Government.

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