LD 1323
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act To Create the Crime of Producing Graffiti LD 1323 Title Page
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LR 1260
Item 1

etched, scratched, drawn, painted or affixed in any way to the
property of another. Producing graffiti is a Class D crime. A
person convicted of producing graffiti is required to either pay
restitution to remove the graffiti or repair or replace the
property defaced by the graffiti or to clean up the graffiti.

If the offender is a juvenile, the court is required to
suspend the juvenile's driver's license for 6 months and to
require the parent, guardian or legal custodian of the juvenile
to pay the restitution if the juvenile fails to do so.

2. It establishes the crime of possession of an aerosol paint
can with intent to produce graffiti, which applies to persons who
are in possession of 3 or more aerosol paint cans while on public
property or the private property of another person without that
person's permission. Possession of an aerosol paint can with
intent to produce graffiti is a Class E crime.

3. It prohibits the sale or other furnishing of an aerosol
paint can to a person who has not yet attained 18 years of age; a
violation of this prohibition is a Class E crime.

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