LD 1321
pg. 15
Page 14 of 17 An Act To Establish a Process for the Civil Commitment of Certain Sexual Offend... Page 16 of 17
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LR 37
Item 1

C.__The sheriff of the county where the committed person will

D.__The sheriff of the county where the person was last
convicted of a sexually violent offense if the department
does not know where the person will reside; and

E.__If the committed person has escaped, the local law
enforcement agency and sheriff for the location in which the
committed person resided immediately before commitment as a
sexually violent predator or immediately before
incarceration for the person's most recent offense.

2.__Requested notice.__The department shall provide notice in
the same manner as required under subsection 1 upon the request

A.__A victim of a sexually violent offense or the victim's
next of kin if the offense included a homicide;

B.__A witness who testified against the person in commitment
proceedings; or

C.__Any person specified in writing by the prosecuting

3.__Confidentiality of request.__Information regarding persons
requesting notice under subsection 2 and the notice are
confidential and may not be disclosed to any person, including
the committed person.

4.__Recapture.__If the committed person is recaptured, the
department shall notify a person receiving notice under this
section as soon as possible, but no later than 2 working days
after the department learns of the recapture.

5.__Child.__If the person to be notified under this section is
under 18 years of age, the notice required by this section must
be sent to the person with custody of the child.

6.__Where notice sent.__The department shall send the notice
required by this section to the last address provided to the
department by the person requesting notice.

§3940.__Escorted leave

1.__Escorted leave authorized.__The person in charge of a
facility to which a committed person is confined under this
subchapter may grant, subject to approval of the commissioner, an

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