LD 1321
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submit monthly, or as otherwise directed by the court, a report
stating whether the conditionally released person is complying with
the terms and conditions of the release to a less restrictive
alternative.__The report must be submitted to the department, the
facility from which the person was released, the prosecuting
attorney and the person's corrections supervisor.

6.__Review of release.__The release of a conditionally
released person to a less restrictive alternative must be
reviewed by the court that released the person no later than one
year after the conditional release and annually thereafter until
the person is unconditionally discharged.__Review may occur in a
shorter time or more frequently, if the court, in its discretion
on its own motion or on motion of the conditionally released
person, the commissioner or the prosecuting attorney determines a
shorter review time is desirable.__The sole question to be
determined by the court is whether the conditional release to a
less restrictive alternative should be continued.__The court in
making its determination must be aided by the periodic reports
filed pursuant to subsection 5 and the opinions of the
commissioner and other experts or professional persons.

§3935.__Revocation of conditional release

1.__Petition.__The department, any service provider required
to submit reports pursuant to section 3934, the prosecuting
attorney or the corrections supervisor may petition the court to
schedule, or the court on its own motion may schedule, an
immediate hearing for the purpose of revoking or modifying the
terms of the person's conditional release to a less restrictive
alternative if the petitioner or the court believes the released
person is not complying with the terms and conditions of the
release or is in need of additional care and treatment.

2.__Apprehension.__If the department, the prosecuting
attorney, the corrections supervisor or the court, based upon
information received, reasonably believes that a conditionally
released person is not complying with the terms and conditions of
the conditional release to a less restrictive alternative, the
court or corrections supervisor may order that the conditionally
released person be apprehended and taken into custody until a
hearing can be scheduled to determine whether the person's
conditional release should be revoked or modified.__The court
must be notified of the person's apprehension before the close of
the next judicial day.__Both the prosecuting attorney and the
conditionally released person may request an immediate mental
examination of the conditionally released person.__If the
conditionally released person is indigent, the court, upon
request, shall assist the person in obtaining a qualified expert
or professional person to conduct the examination.

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